Taylor Dry Sherry

750ml Bottle

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    Constellation Brands, Inc.
    18% Alcohol
    New York
    Product Description

    Taylor New York Dry Sherry Wine is a wonderful dessert wine that is a light golden color with a slightly nutty aroma and complexity, which is dry and a little astringent. It is a classically-styled pale, dry sherry with nuances of roasted nuts that create a unique taste and depth of character. Its slightly bitter taste and nutty flavor complement the complexity of chocolate and other sweets. It's made from high-quality Concord grapes of the New York region. Fortification with brandy increases the alcohol content of this product and strengthens its light body. With a special selection of high-quality, sweet, and smooth dessert wines, it is excellent for cooking or simply enjoying as an aperitif. Serve slightly chilled, over ice, with a twist, or with soda. Serve at room temperature. Taylor Dry Sherry pairs well with Grilled Chicken, Potatoes, Risotto, Appetizers. Enjoy!